Terms & Conditions

The Bulgarian version of these General Terms and Conditions prevails over the English text. There is no guarantee that the English translation is 100% accurate.


These Terms govern the contractual relationships for the products/services provided on this site between you (also referred to as “you”, “you” or “the User”) and Void Digital Ltd (also referred to as “the Owner”, “the Company”, “the Company”, “we”, “us” or “our”), your access to the website voidmodding.com and its use.

Please carefully read these Terms and Conditions before using this website. If you use this website, you are deemed to accept and agree to these Terms and Conditions. If you DO NOT ACCEPT these terms, do not use this website!

These terms bind all users. By clicking on any object, link, or button located on the pages of the voidmodding.com site (except the link to these General Terms and Conditions) the User agrees, fully accepts, and undertakes to comply with these General Terms and Conditions.


When you use this website or communicate with us electronically, you agree and acknowledge that we may communicate with you electronically on our website or by sending an email to you.  You agree that all agreements, notices, disclosures, and other communications that are sent electronically are considered to have been served regularly and do not need to be sent in writing.


Our website may include hyperlinks or other links to third-party websites. We do not monitor or review the content of third-party websites that are linked by this website. The products or services offered by other websites are subject to the applicable Terms and Conditions of those third parties. The opinions expressed or the materials that appear on these websites are not necessarily shared or approved by us.

We will not be responsible for any privacy practices or content on these sites. You take all risks associated with the use of these websites and all related third-party services. We are not responsible for any loss or damage caused and/or arising out of the disclosure of your personal information to third parties.


You can register an account on our website. During this process, you may be required to choose a password. You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of passwords and account information and agree not to share your passwords, account information, or secure access to our website or services with any other person. You must not allow any other person to use your account to access the website because you are responsible for all activities that occur through the use of your passwords or accounts. You must notify us immediately if you become aware of any disclosure of your password.

After your account is canceled, registration of a new account is done only with our permission.


We may provide various open communication tools on our website, such as blog comments, blog posts, forums, message boards, ratings, and reviews, as well as various social media services. It may not be feasible for us to screen or monitor all content that you or others may share or submit on or through our website. However, we reserve the right to review the content and monitor all use and activity on our website and remove or reject any content at our sole discretion. When you post information or otherwise use any open communication tools as mentioned, you agree that your content will comply with these General Terms and Conditions and must comply with the law and not violate the legal rights of any person.


We may provide you with areas of the Site to leave feedback or ratings. When leaving a review, you must meet the following criteria: (1) you must have personal experience with the product/service; (2) your reviews must not contain offensive or abusive words; (3) your reviews should not contain discriminatory references based on religion, race, gender, national origin, age, marital status, sexual orientation or disability; (4) your feedback should not contain references to illegal activity; (5) you should not be associated with competitors if you post negative reviews; (6) you should not draw any conclusions on the legality of the conduct; (7) you may not publish any false or misleading statements; and (8) you cannot organize a campaign encouraging others to post reviews, whether positive or negative.

We may accept, reject or remove reviews at our sole discretion. We have absolutely no obligation to show reviews or delete reviews, even if someone considers reviews undesirable or inaccurate. Reviews are not validated by us and do not necessarily represent our opinions or the views of any of our affiliates or partners. We assume no liability for any review or any claims, liabilities, or losses arising out of any review.

By posting a review, you grant us free of charge the right to, reproduce, modify, translate, transmit by any means, display, run and/or distribute all content related to reviews.



All products are subject to availability. We reserve the right to discontinue any products at any time for any reason. Prices for all products are subject to change.

Purchasing process

All steps required from Product /Service Selection to order are part of the purchasing process.

The purchasing process includes the following steps:

To submit the order, Users must accept these Terms and use the appropriate button or mechanism on this website to pay the agreed price.

Order submission

Upon order submission by the User, the following applies:

All notifications related to the described purchasing process will be sent to the email address provided by the User for this purpose.

Payment methods

During the purchasing process, information about accepted payment methods is provided.

Some payment methods may be available only under certain conditions or for a fee. In such cases, the relevant information can be found in the website’s dedicated section.

All payments are processed independently of third-party services. As a result, this Website does not collect any payment information, such as credit card numbers, and instead receives a notification after the transaction has been completed successfully.

The owner is not obliged to execute the purchase order if payment by the available methods fails or is refused by the payment service provider. The User is responsible for any costs or fees incurred as a result of the failed or refused payment.


During the purchase process and prior to order, Users will be notified of the price, VAT, and all costs (including shipping or any other delivery costs).

The prices on this Website are shown without VAT, fees, or including any applicable fees, taxes, depending on the section that the User is browsing.

Discounts and offers

The owner may also additionally provide discounts or offer special offers for the purchase of Products / Services. Any such offer or discount shall relate to the eligibility standards and conditions set out in the relevant section of this Website.

Offers and discounts are always provided at the discretion of the Owner, they can be based on Coupons (Promo Code).

Depending on the situation, discounts or offers are valid only for a limited time or until availability is exhausted. If the offer or discount is limited in time, unless otherwise noted, the time indicator refers to the Owner’s time zone as shown in the Owner’s location data in this document.

Coupons(Promo Code)

If the terms of the Coupon (Promo Code) are violated, the Owner may lawfully refuse to fulfill his contractual obligations and have the right to take appropriate legal action.

Notwithstanding the following provisions, any additional or different rules that apply to the use of the Coupon (Promo Code) that appear on the relevant information page or on the Coupon (Promo Code) itself always take precedence.

Unless otherwise stated, the following policies apply to the use of Coupons (Promo Code):


Delivery of digital products

Unless otherwise stated, the digital products offered on this Website are delivered to the email address provided by the Users at the time of placing an order.

Performing services

The purchased Services will be performed or provided within the period specified on this website or as notified to the User before completing an order.

Refund policy

The amounts of all sales under contracts for the provision of services/products with digital content, when the execution started with the explicit consent of the User is not refundable.  By ordering them from the website, you give your explicit consent to the performance of the contract Please make sure that you have read the product description carefully before making the order.

In certain circumstances (when the digital product/service has not yet been performed) we refund, upon request by the User to the [email protected]


Right of withdrawal.  From whom the right of withdrawal applies

In certain cases, the User may have the right to terminate the contract within 14 days without giving a reason and reason. Users can read more about the terms in this section.

European consumers are granted a legal right of cancellation, under EU rules, to withdraw from contracts concluded online (distance contracts) without giving a reason and reason, within the specified time limit applicable to their case.

Users who do not meet these criteria cannot use the rights described in this section.

Exercise of the right of withdrawal

Users must submit an application to exercise their right of withdrawal.

Users can do so by filling out the attached standard withdrawal form found at the bottom of this document.

Effect of refusal

If you withdraw from this contract, we will refund you only the price paid with VAT less the refund fee within 14 days of receipt of the refusal. Unless otherwise agreed with the User, the repayment will be made using the same means of payment that was used in the original transaction.

When purchasing Services

If a User exercises the right of withdrawal after requesting the provision of the service, the User pays the Owner an amount corresponding to the fulfilled part.

The right of withdrawal shall not apply to:


Users can come to an agreement with the Site Owner to try to resolve any disputes.

If there are any disagreements or disputes between you and the Company, please contact the owner of the Company at the email address specified in this document.

The user can file a complaint with the owner of this website using the part of the website that has been submitted for complaints. The owner will process the request without undue delay and within 30 days of receipt.

Online dispute resolution for EU consumers

The European Commission has set up a website for resolving disputes outside the courts. In addition, all European consumers may use this platform to resolve any disputes arising out of contracts that have been concluded online. The following link will allow you to get to the platform.


The Owner may at any time change or terminate access (temporarily or permanently) to the Website or any Service under it. The Owner shall not be liable to the User or any third party for any modification, suspension, or termination of access to the Website or any content shared on the Website. The User is not entitled to compensation or other payment if certain features, settings, and/or any content to which he has contributed are deleted and permanently lost. Users must violate suspended access to the website through other accounts.


The owner of the site Void Digital Ltd. shall not be liable to the users of the site, as well as to third parties, in the event that a user or other person publishes on the site illegally acquired or unauthorized for distribution information, as well as in the event that there is misuse, copying or other unauthorized use of personal information, foreign trademark, trademark of origin, as well as any information, picture, sound, image, etc., which infringe the personal, property or moral rights of third parties. The owner of the website, Void Digital Ltd is not responsible for the information exposed or the consequences of using other websites to which it provides a link. The owner of the site, Void Digital Ltd, has the right to terminate the use of the site by persons performing incorrect actions and those contrary to the laws in the country of use, including the removal from the site of the information subject to protection.

The Website shall not be liable for any customer’s violation of the Rockstar Games End User License Agreement and/or the Rockstar Terms of Use (or any other Terms of Use), including but not limited to the sharing of game credentials for purposes of providing our service. Neither Website is responsible for any suspensions/resets/banning that may occur to a customer account as a result of our service.

By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the User declares that the use of the voidmodding.com website is voluntary and is entirely at his/her own risk and responsibility. The Owner shall not be liable for any damages caused unless caused intentionally.

The Owner shall not be liable in the event of circumstances beyond its control – cases of force majeure, accidental events, problems in the global Internet network and in the provision of services beyond the control of the Owner.

The Owner shall not be liable for any interference or technical problems preventing the use of the website, external interference of third parties, accidents, hacker attacks, etc.

By accepting these Terms and Conditions, the User declares that he/she is aware of the possibility of possible interruptions and other difficulties in the Internet connection to the website, which may occur regardless of the care taken by the Owner. The User declares that he will not claim any compensation from the Owner for any loss of profit, damage or inconvenience suffered as a result of the occurrence of the above-mentioned interruptions or difficulties of the Internet connection, including with regard to the capacity of this connection.

The Owner does not warrant that access to the Site will be uninterrupted, timely, secure, or error-free to the extent that it is beyond their ability, control, and will. The Owner is not responsible for loss of stored information, system crashes, or the occurrence of technical problems.

The Owner has the right to immediately and without notice suspend and restrict access to the website of any User when the latter acts contrary to the law, these Terms and Conditions, the rules of operation of the website, morality, and good morals. This right shall be exercised by suspending and restricting access to usernames and passwords, suspending the member’s access to the website, and removing posts.

In the foregoing cases, the Owner shall not be liable for any damages or loss of profits suffered by the User or third parties resulting from the suspension, limitation, removal or deletion, modification, loss, unreliability, inaccuracy, or incompleteness of any messages, materials or information transmitted, used, recorded or made available through the Website.

Where there are reasonable grounds to suspect that the User’s actions could constitute a criminal offense, the Owner shall refer the matter to the competent state authorities.


The Owner shall process personal data lawfully and in good faith in relation to the purposes of its business and shall not further process it in a manner incompatible with those purposes. The personal data provided by the User shall be processed only on condition that the latter has given his express consent, and in the absence of express consent from the User, the Owner shall not be entitled to process his data. By providing his personal data, the User automatically gives his express consent to its collection, processing, and storage.

For more information, please see our Privacy Policy and our Cookie Policy.


The Terms and Conditions, Privacy Policy, and Cookie Policy govern the contractual relationship between the User and Void Digital Ltd in relation to the use of this website.


These Terms and Conditions may be amended in connection with applicable law, as well as in connection with changes in the way voidmodding.com operates All changes to the Terms and Conditions will be posted on voidmodding.com in a timely manner.


Bulgarian law shall apply to these Terms and Conditions. All disputes shall be referred to the competent courts in the Republic of Bulgaria.

Data Protection Commission

Address. Sofia, ul. “Prof. 2,

Tel.: (02) 940 20 46

Fax: (02) 940 36 40

Email: [email protected], [email protected]

Website: www.cpdp.bg

Consumer Protection Commission

Address: 1000 gr. Sofia, Slaveykov Square №4A, floors 3, 4 and 6,

Tel.: 02 / 980 25 24

Fax: 02 / 988 42 18

Hotline: 0700 111 22

Website: www.kzp.bg



(complete and return this form only if you wish to cancel the contract)

– To (Void Digital EOOD, Plovdiv 4001, ul. 10, floor 6, app.17, [email protected]):

– I/we* hereby give notice that I/we* withdraw from the contract concluded by me/us* for the purchase of the following goods*/for the provision of the following service*

– Ordered on*/received on*

– Name of User(s)

– Address of the User(s)

– Signature of the User(s) (only if this form is on paper)

– Date


* Unnecessary is crossed out.



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